xgh XGH / eXtreme Go Horse I think therefore it's not XGH. In XGH you don't think, you do the first thing that comes to your mind. There's not a second option as the first one is faster.
.NET 6 Adding Startup.cs back to .NET 6 Project Explore how to extend the native API key authentication in your application. Our guide provides detailed steps for customizing and enhancing API key security and functionality to fit your specific needs.
MongoDb Featured Create a free MongoDb Cluster in the Cloud - Mongo Atlas free account MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database used for high volume data storage. Instead of using tables and rows as in the traditional relational databases, MongoDB makes use of collections and documents. MongoDb is very easy to get started - That is why I love MongoDb. I think it's
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azure-functions Featured Native Dependency Injection in Azure Functions with C# Adding Dependency Injection feature to Azure Functions without third part libraries.
Azure Endpoint Monitoring with Azure Application Insights Let's explore the use of Microsoft Azure Application Insights to monitor the health of our application using the endpoint /healthcheck. Applications Insights it's a great tool for monitoring, error logging, performance monitoring, dependency mapping, and other things. In other words, it's a full APM
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https Generating a Self-Signed Certificate using Powershell A self-signed certificate it's very easy to create and helps on with local development and testing. With a Single Line of PowerShell code we create a certificate. First, open the PowerShell as Administrator and run the following command: New-SelfSignedCertificate ` –DnsName <DNS-Name> ` -CertStoreLocation "cert:\LocalMachine\My&
C# Featured Compress files in memory (.zip) using C# Here is a code snippet of how to compress one or many files to a zip archive in memory using C#. It works in .Net Core and .Net Full Framework public static byte[] GetZipArchive(params InMemoryFile[] files) { byte[] archiveFile; using (var archiveStream = new MemoryStream()) { using (var archive = new ZipArchive(archiveStream,
C# Getting the file name without extension in C# - #TIP These days I was asking myself how to get the file name without the extension. I confess I was tempted to use a regex to solve this problem :) But no worries. There is a method in System.IO.Path specific for this situation. using System.IO; /// /// Get file name without
en Yet Another AZ-203 Microsoft Official Course Delivered. Yet Another AZ-203 Microsoft Official Course Delivered. Another AZ-203 official Microsoft course delivered with success! Class members feedback was great. And I loved to make over 22 new colleagues these two weeks. I should say, this course is awesome. The level of topics is at beginning easy, them going to
AZ-203 Create Azure Virtual Machine Using PowerShell Quick Configuration Getting the public Ip Get-AzPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName "demo003" | Select "IpAddress" Full Configured Virtual Machine Getting the public Ip Get-AzPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName "demo004" | Select "IpAddress" Removing deployment Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name demo003 Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name demo004
AZ-203 Azure Storage Disks - Managed and unmanaged disks Managed disks * The Azure platform manages the disk and the backing storage * You don't have to worry about storage account limits and thresholds Unmanaged disks * You manually create and manage virtual hard disks (VHDs) in your Storage account * You will need to consider account throughput and capacity limits
Azure Featured Azure App Service and Cloudflare with Full SSL (Strict) In this article we will set up Cloudflare as a reverse proxy and Azure Web Apps as a web service. Looking for the best security configuration that Cloudflare offers in the free tier. At the end we will have the following configuration: * CloudFlare as reverse proxy * Azure Web App as
hack Featured Practice of SQL Injection First, do you know (or remember) what SQL Injection is? (para versão em português) According to OWASP.org (https://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection). A SQL injection attack consists of insertion or "injection" of a SQL query via the input data from the client to the
C# C# Conversions - Casting, implicit and explicit conversion Fist the data types available. int whole numbers long whole numbers (bigger range) float floating-point numbers double double precision decimal monetary values char single character bool boolean DateTime moments in time string sequence of characters Table of implicit conversion made by C#. From To sbyte short int long float double
Heroku Deploying .Net container App to Heroku cloud I'm tired of searching every time I need to deploy to heroku cloud. Being that said I'm finally writing down the steps do deploy a docker container app to Heroku cloud. By the way, Heroku Cloud it is really cool. Requirements to deploy * Docker client (windows
AZ-203 Azure Kubernets - az cli Steps to create Azure Kubernet Services (AKS) though azure cli tool. Demo 1 // Create resource group az group create --name kbgroup2 --location eastus // Create AKS cluster az aks create \ --resource-group kbgroup2 \ --name kbcluster2 \ --node-count 1 \ --enable-addons monitoring \ --generate-ssh-keys Connect to the cluster #if you're in Azure Cloud Shell
Azure Demo - Azure Batch Creating the Resource Group az group create --name "az203_batch_demo001" --location CentralUS Creating the storage account az storage account create \ --name az203batchstoragexd \ --access-tier hot \ --https-only true \ --kind BlobStorage \ --location CentralUS \ --sku Standard_LRS \ --resource-group az203_batch_demo001 Creating the Batch Account az batch account create \ --name az203batchaccountxd
Azure az cli (bash) create resource though Resource File The resource file azuredeploy.json { "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentTemplate.json#", "contentVersion": "", "parameters": { "storageAccountType": { "type": "string", "defaultValue": "Standard_LRS", "allowedValues"
Azure Enable Local Cache in Azure Web App What is Local Cache in Azure WebApp? Local cache in Azure Web is really a cache that caches the storage of your Web App. How to enable it? To enable local cache you should go to your Azure Subscription them navigate to your Web App that you wishs to enable
C# C# DateTime Cheat sheet - ToString() Format Cheat sheet with C# DateTime formats. using System; using System.Globalization; public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; string[] format = { "d", "D", "f", "F", "g", "G", "m", "r"
Azure Featured Demo WebJob Azure - CRON expressions CRON expressions Azure Functions uses the NCronTab library to interpret CRON expressions. A CRON expression includes six fields: {second} {minute} {hour} {day} {month} {day-of-week} Each field can have one of the following types of values: Type Example When triggered A specific value 0 5 * * * * at hh:05:00 where hh
Azure Enable Azure Disk Encryption though az-cli Create Azure Key Vault service az keyvault create \ --name "kvDemo006" \ --resource-group "demo001" \ --location centralUS \ --enabled-for-disk-encryption True Enable disk encryption on VM az vm encryption enable \ --resource-group "kvDemo006" \ --name "devUScWeb003" \ --disk-encryption-keyvault "demo006" \ --volume-type "all" Show disk encryption az vm
Azure Create Azure VM though PowerShell A right to the point guide of how to create Virtual Machines in Azure with Powershell