C# Conversions - Casting, implicit and explicit conversion
Fist the data types available.
int whole numbers
long whole numbers (bigger range)
float floating-point numbers
double double precision
decimal monetary values
char single character
bool boolean
DateTime moments in time
string sequence of characters
Table of implicit conversion made by C#.
From To
sbyte short int long float double decimal
byte short ushort int uint long ulong float double decimal
short int long float double decimal
ushort int uint long ulong float double decimal
int long float double decimal
uint long ulong float double decimal
long ulong float double decimal
float double
char ushort int uint long ulong float double decimal
By the way, you cannot implicitly convert a long value to an int, because this conversion risks losing information (the long value might be outside the range supported by the int type).
Explicit conversions
In Visual C#, you can use a cast operator to perform explicit conversions. A cast specifies the type to convert to, in round brackets before the variable name
int a;
long b = 5;
a = (int) b;
// Explicit conversion of long to int.
Using the System.Convert Class
The System.Convert class provides methods that can convert a base data type to another base data type. These methods have names such as ToDouble, ToInt32, ToString, and so on.
string possibleInt = "1234";
int count = Convert.ToInt32(possibleInt);
TryParse conversion
int number = 0;
string numberString = "1234";
if (int.TryParse(numberString, out number))
// Conversion succeeded, number now equals 1234.
// Conversion failed, number now equals 0.